State Rep. Jake Banta | Pennsylvania 4th Legislative District
State Rep. Jake Banta | Pennsylvania 4th Legislative District
State Representative Jake Banta has announced that the North East Borough Water Authority will receive a low-interest loan for drinking water infrastructure from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST). The funding aims to improve local water services.
"PENNVEST funding offers assistance to our local governments to improve the safety and quality of life for our communities," stated Banta. "I am proud to have advocated for this funding and to see it increase the availability and quality of drinking water."
The allocated funds will be used by the North East Borough Water Authority for several upgrades. These include replacing 2,000 feet of waterline, valves, and hydrants in the borough. The loan also supports installing emergency generators, replacing raw water pumps, installing covers at the treatment plant, and implementing a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system at the facility.
Funding from PENNVEST is sourced from both state and federal contributions. Further details about PENNVEST can be obtained through their contact channels.